Hi, Church,
I don’t like to go too long too often when I preach so I cut the message short and promised to post the conclusion online. Here’s the conclusion to the message.
The Apostle Paul mentioned that we have spiritual resources to help us combat the problems in our lives that have spiritual roots. Not all problems have spiritual roots. Some have roots in this world. Others have roots in the spiritual realm. Others have root causes in both the physical and spiritual realms.
Here are two resources our faith provides to help in in our life. (I’ve written it out as if I were preaching live.)
Now quickly, what are some of those resources God provides us to help us and our society with its problems? I’ll give you two but there are many. You can read about some of them in Ephesians 6, a famous passage on putting on the full armor of God. Great passage!
In this passage Jesus refers to Satan as “the father of lies.” (vs. 44) One scheme Satan uses against people are lies, falsehoods, deception. The tool God gives us to combat faulty thinking and beliefs is truth. Truth for the Christian and noted by Jesus in this passage comes from the Father and is recorded in the Bible. You root out falsehoods, faulty thinking and beliefs by getting into the Word. Reading and meditating on Scripture is vital for every believer. It will help you discover the lies that undergird how you think, feel and live and will help you undo them.
I’ll give you an example of one of those lies. This is a cultural and familial lie that Satan has whispers into young girls’ ears through their parents, the media, friends, and others: “A woman’s value is determined by a man. To feel good about yourself you need a man in your life. You don’t want to become an old maid one day do you?”
That’s a lie. A woman’s value is determined the same way a man’s value is determined. It is based on two things. One, being created in the image of God. Every person bears the image of God and that means everyone has intrinsic value. You are a child of God and God does not make junk.
Our value is also determined the same way we determine the value of all things. It is based on the price people are willing to pay for it. Why are Rolexes valued? They are valued based on who make it but also upon what people are willing to pay for it. The same goes for a Stradivarius.
Consider the price God paid for you. He came down to earth, limited his divinity by taking the form of a person, and died in our place. It cost God the precious blood of Jesus. He loves you and he loves you this much (Picture Jesus’ arms stretched out on the cross for you. He loves you that much!).
All of us carry many falsehoods around with us that are disrupting our lives. Get into the Word and flush those out of your life. As you do you will become healthier, more joyful, and free.
One more resource our faith provides that is powerful for demolishing spiritual stronghold in our lives and that is…Jesus’ DNA. If Jesus is at work in your life by his Spirit it will help you overcome all your hurts, bad habits and hang ups. You get Jesus’ DNA through what Jesus called the new birth. Jesus told a very religious man, “You must be born again.” (John 3:3). We experience this new birth by placing our faith in Jesus. When you give your life to Jesus he places his Spirit in you and that Spirit, over time produces… (I’ve quoted this passage three weeks in a row but it is worth reading again):
“So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves. The sinful nature wants to do evil, which is just the opposite of what the Spirit wants. And the Spirit gives us desires that are the opposite of what the sinful nature desires….the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” Galatians 5:16-17, 22-23
Notice what Paul is saying… when you get Jesus’ DNA in you by his Spirit it uproots sinful desires and nurtures godly characteristics that, over time, will be fully formed in your life transforming you into a person of utter, angelic beauty instead of a demonic, nightmare.
So what do want in your life? What is your attitude? To which family do you want to belong? It is up to you. Whatever you decide it will have eternal significance both on your life. You will become a person of utter beauty or an absolute nightmare. What future do you desire? Decide today. Get the good genes in you now so they can begin their wonderful redemptive work in your life!
2 Comments on “The Conclusion to Two Families, Two Humanities”
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Happy new year. Thank you for upholding family values, lifting us with hope and faith filled messages, and being a light and source of inspiration to our world. May God continue to guide and richly bless you always. ~ Paul F. Davis ~ https://PropheticPowerShift.com/