The Heart of the City...
The Vision of FPC is to...
Encounter God
Experience Life Transformation
Equip Ourselves for Life
Exhibit the Fruit of the Spirit
Enjoy God
The Mission of FPC is...
The Core Values of FPC are to Love and Support Each Other Through...
Dynamic, relevant, Christ-centered teachings
Continuous, Biblically-based spiritual growth
Powerful, Christ-centered music and worship
Energetic, Christ-centered Children's Ministry
Encouraging fellowship and acceptance
Through outreach we share God’s love and compassion, caring for others in times of illness, bereavement, and other challenges. FPC’s trained visitation team visits and prays with people at Sky Lakes Medical Center, retirement and nursing facilities, and personal homes. Shawls knitted and crocheted by members of the Prayer Shawl Ministry provide a tangible expression of comfort and love. FPC commits 10% of its budget to missions around the world and within Klamath County.
We support the needs in the community, several FPC members are involved in the development of the Klamath Works Campus, an 18-acre campus to house a variety of social services, faith-based organizations, and medical providers charged with helping individuals move from dependency and despair to dignity and self-sufficiency. The Klamath Falls Gospel Mission, an organization that FPC has supported financially and with volunteers for many years, will locate on this campus.